To be honest this is a bit of a cringy one, I mean how can we know who'll we'll end up marrying? As I have to make I choice I'd say either a vet or a farmer. Hopefully I'll be a vet myself so will meet lots of science and animal people :) And as for the farmer thing, I would love to live on a farm! I always tell my parents that I'll marry a farmer :P
(Ignore the actual people in the pictures, it's more of a generalisation...)

It was my birthday on Thursday, I had a really great day and got some lovely presents :) I'll posts some pictures when I get a chance. The Belgian exchange people arrived on that day too. Mine's called Catherine and she's so nice! We've had a such a busy weekend entertaining them. We went out for a meal on Friday, got quite drunk and went to a bar to watch an Elvis impersonator... On Saturday they went to Oxford then we all got together in the evening. Sunday we went shopping and a few of us met up later on. We had a a good evening just playing cards and stuff! At the moment they're all at the cinema so we get some time on our own, which is nice :)
Anyway I'll stop rambling now, just thought I'd give you a last January update :D
Thanks for reading,
Georgina xx