Where do I start? I've got so much to talk about! I think I'll do a few posts to break it up a bit, starting with prom last Friday. Apologies for calling it 'prom' I know that's really American but anything else is just cheesy so prom it shall be :)
I was never really too fussed about it to be honest but I think once you start organising it, it's easy to get carried away! So after getting my hair done and doing my make up I went to my friend Katie's house, with 7 other girls, for drinks and photos. It was quite funny with all the proud parents there! My dad's a photographer so he took the two below- posed and awkward but quite nice all the same :)

Above- The girlies :) Katie, Chloe, Heather, Me, Abi, Ffion, Jordan, Chaz

Yes we did get a limo :/ None of us were particularly into the idea but it turned out to be the best part of the whole night! We'd all had a bit to drink (when I say this I mean we downed as much champagne as possible when the rents weren't there!) so had a little party on the way. When we got to the venue we all stumbled out of the car with Ke$ha blaring out the windows...good times :)

Above- Abi, Ffion and me. One of the only decent pictures of me, in all the others I'm either talking/dancing/eating or pulling some stupid face.

One of the many photos. I regret buying a strapless dress- it stayed in place but I hated having my shoulders bare and I felt really self conscious.

But I will admit- prom was a rave. It was actually really fun, most people had been drinking and although the food was shit it was an awesome night. One girl was really drunk and threw up everywhere including on my leg but luckily it didn't get my dress :) The picture above sums up the dance floor, it was pretty mental with a few mosh pits but really good music. Some of the teachers were dancing too :L
All in all a pretty good night followed by an amazing weekend...more on that in the next post :P
Thanks for reading,
Georgina xx
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