Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Momma, I wanna be a farmer

I am actually having the time of my life lambing on the farm! It's so relaxed and everyone's so friendly that I feel really at home there. This morning I delivered my first lambs :D When I got there the sheep had already given birth to one lamb but was due another two, so they let me pull them out- I know a lot of people will find this disgusting but I thought it was so cool bringing a little life into the world!
As I said before, the farmer is so laid back that I can pretty much try anything there is to do. I learnt how to drive the quadbike on monday and now I'm allowed to go into the fields on my own to load up the sheep and bring them in for lambing, I also had a go at driving a JCB forklift truck which was scary! Today I tube-fed some lambs, docked their tails and got to give a sheep an injection- all things I thought I would never be allowed to do because of 'health and safety'.

It's turning out to be such a good week and an amazing experience- I've learnt so much about the sheep and I love being at the farm- I am not looking forward to school next week though.

I hope you're all good, Georgina xx


  1. hey, thanks for following my blog (: i used to live on a farm but i was too young so i remember hardly anything. minus my two favourite lambs, bluebell and barney. hahaha.

    hope you're having a great week x

  2. Thank you, your blog is really nice :) Aww cute names for the lambs, I think it would be great to live on a farm, it seems really relaxed and laid-back :) x
